Awesome God
November 24th, 2024SermonsNew to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!
What's new at Hope.
New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!
New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!
Psalm 68:6 “God puts the lonely in families…”
God is writing stories of redemption through families at Hope and in Austin. Come hear testimonies of how God is on the move through foster care and adoptive work to both restore families and save souls.
In our season of Advent Hope FAM invites you on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-7:30pm to join us for dinner and testimonies at Hope Chapel and be encouraged that our God is still redeeming people for His Glory and their good.
Childcare provided for 5th grade and under…
RSVP on Realm or contact Mandy Ryniker
Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy a special program of music and readings of the season on December 8th at 5:00 p.m. Preschoolers sing, Elementary kids sing, we sing! We’ll close with our traditional “birthday pop-up” version of 12 Days of Christmas. Then we’ll go to the Family Room for snacks and goodies!
Please bring either:
• two dozen of your favorite cookies,
• a sandwich tray or
• veggie or fruit or mixed platter
for the reception immediately following the service.
New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!
Every year Hope Chapel prepares a Thanksgiving Feast for the Brentwood Elementary teachers and staff. They plan their schedules so they can break away, slip across the street and dig in! This year’s feast is in the Family Room: Tuesday, November 19th, 10:00 AM –1:30 PM
How You Can Participate:
• Provide a side dish.
• Come meet and greet our guests from across the street.
• Visit with the teachers and staff at table.
• Come set up, help, or clean from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lots of prep: table and chair set up, decorating, and food prep to be ready by 10:30 a.m. or help refill dishes, heat food, and work in the kitchen or stay to clean up.
Sign-up on Realm to help. Let’s show them another great big “Thanks” for we do give thanks to the God and Father of us all for their work in the lives of the elementary kids at Brentwood.