Building women across generations to live out the purposes of Christ and reach those who do not know Him.

“One generation will praise Your works to another, and will declare Your mighty acts.”  Psalm 145:4

Latest Updates

  1. MOPS@Hope is now the MomCo

    The MomCo (short for Mom Community)

    We’re convinced that moms are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet. What is the word people use to define powerful things? It is ‘the mother’… the mother of all storms, the mother of all traffic, the mother lode. To be a mother is to be a force of nature, but that doesn’t mean it should be done alone. We saved you a seat.

    Join us starting on September 9, 2024 for the beginning of a new era of Mom Community.

    Registration opens in mid-July.

  2. Women’s Conference: WANTED!

    This year we are changing things up. Rather than going away we’ve decided to take some time and make room at home for women who can’t make it to retreats. The reasons are various from work to illness, to birthday conflicts and the list goes on. It’s important to make room. We also want to make room for our budding ladies. These young girls will soon be adult women and we want them to know they are a part of us.

    Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

    36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

    I and the team are excited with where the Holy Spirit is taking us with this theme of WANTED. We believe that making room is part of what helps others believe they are wanted by God and others. There is room for you and we hope that you’ll join us on this journey of discovering more of why God wants us.

    Love Lisette & WOH Team Leads

    WOH Conference 2024: WANTED!

    Special Guest Speaker Jeanine Sanchez

    Saturday, February 24th 8:30am – 4:00pm, Hope Chapel

    Click for Registration Details



  3. MOPS Spring Registration Now Open

    Calling all mothers of preschoolers!

    MOPS@Hope meetings include meaningful conversations, laughter, yummy food, and encouragement. Each time we meet, you’ll get to have honest conversations about topics that are relevant and significant. We want to help you become a better mom because better moms make a better world. Motherhood may be hard but it doesn’t have to be lonely.

    Register at

  4. Women’s Conference February 24


    Women of Hope Conference 2024 Saturday, February 24th

    @Hope Chapel

    That’s right ladies, this year we are holding a 1 day conference just for you! Retreat resumes in 2025. Save the date and tell all your girl friends to join us. This conference is for girls and women Middle School (12) and up. More information coming soon!

    Why should you go, because you are WANTED!