
Updates from HopeArts.

  1. Soliciting Congregant Submissions

    “Feast”: Call for Submissions
    Writers, visual artists, laity! You are invited to submit work for the next edition of Feast, our Hope community art magazine publication. Deadline for submissions is 9 p.m. Thursday, August 20th.

    Currently soliciting the congregation to look over past issues and past sermons and write some small reflection of any length (two sentences to a whole page worth even).

    How has that sermon played out in your life since hearing that sermon? How have you seen it played out in the lives of your various communities (small groups, tribes, cliques, various ministry communities)?

    What is the Lord speaking to you (and your communities) on that subject currently?

    This project actually blesses your community, and is a way (quite literally) to give of your “talents”.

    Send them in rtf, or (preferably) Google Doc format  by 9pm on Thursday, August 20st, 2015. 

    Visual art and photography on the same general themes. Jpeg and PDF formats, your choice of pixel size.

    See www.Hopearts.org for earliest past issues of “Feast”.
  2. Hope Art Sanctuary Exhibit : Flatbed Press

    We hope you have been enjoying the visual art in the sanctuary this summer.  Up next will be an exhibit of print art gathered from a selection of nationally known artists and curated by Mike and Kathy Brimberry of Flatbed Press.  To kick off this exhibit Hope Chapel will host a gallery opening on Saturday evening, August 15th at 7:00 p.m.  Come see the new art, hear Kathy talk about the various pieces, and stay for light refreshments.
  3. July 18th 8mm CANCELLED

    The July 18th, 2015 EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! 



  4. June 12th, Lopata “John Illustration Project” Reception

    “For the past 80 some odd days our illumining Audrey Lopata has undertaken illustrating the Gospel of John. Now, on Friday June 12th, 2015 from 7-9pm Audrey is hosting an exclusive gallery-style exhibit in the Hope Chapel sanctuary. As she puts it, ‘For the opening ceremonies I will probably say a few words on what possessed me to do such a thing, and reflect on the experience, and then faint, cause, ya know…public speaking :/’  This evening is expected to be a rare intersection of our broader community life, worship, art, and joy in the Holy Spirit for all persons alike. Other inducements for attendance include a magazine/ booklet with the complete collection of illustrations for perusal and possible purchase. There will also probably be snacks!”Lopata BoJ Cover

  5. 8MM This Saturday, May16


    Saturday May 16th, 2015 at Genuine Joe’s Coffee Shop, in the Cellar Room, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Sign up here.  Email Kevin Daniel  or visit the “Events Details” section of www.Hopearts.org for details and event specifics. Genuine Joe’s Coffee Shop is located at 2001 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78757. Artists are encouraged to visit www.HopeArts.org for more information about the arts ministry.


  6. Current Feast Magazine Deadline

    FEAST Deadline,May 21st ,  2015

    Writers, visual artists, laity! You are invited to submit work for the next edition of Feast, our Hope community art magazine publication. Deadline for submissions 9:59 p.m. Thursday .

    Written work: 350 words max: poems, essays, lyrical prose, short fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, a travel log entry, anything written having to do with sermons at Hope, artwork in the gallery, teachings in the various ministries and classes.

    Visual art and photography on the same general themes. Jpeg and PDF formats, your choice of pixel size.

    Visit the “Events Details” tab at www.HopeArts.org for magazine and ministry details, or email kevinj.daniel@gmail.com with submissions.