We are delighted to host guest speaker Sally Gary, founder of CenterPeace ministry. Since 2006, CenterPeace has been helping churches and families all over the world learn a more Christ-like response to individuals experiencing same-sex attraction.
Plan now to attend the Sally Gary Conference Friday-Sunday, November 11-13. Sally will speak to pastors and church leaders on Friday, November 11 at Westover Hills Church of Christ from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. On Saturday, November 12 she will speak at Hope Chapel from 9:00 a.m. until noon and again from 1:00- 2:30 p.m. There is no cost for attending the conference, but a love offering will be received.
Sally will also speak Sunday, November 13 at the 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. services at Hope Chapel.
Our hope is that the church will receive a vision for abolishing the culture of silence and shame that too often attends any discussion of same-sex attraction. Instead, let’s develop a healthy culture that encourages and supports our friends and family members who wrestle with these very personal and confusing feelings while at the same time seeking to follow Christ faithfully.
**SIGN UP** for the Conference by filling out the form at the bottom of this page; scroll down and click “Sign Up”. We regret that the deadline to reserve child care has passed.