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Lenten Fasting

Dearly Beloved,
I would like for us as a congregation to fast during the period of Lent which runs from Wednesday, March 1 through Palm Sunday, April 9. Typically a Lenten fast includes giving up something important, something that will be missed, like a favorite food or a favorite activity. Others ‘fast’ in a more positive way by adding a new spiritual habit during the Lenten season, such as a new time for prayer or solitude or giving to the poor or serving the marginalized.
I have attached an article from Christianity Today that outlines such practices:
I have also attached a series of six reasons for Hope Chapel fasting this coming Lenten season on The City: The six reasons are actually areas for serious prayer on our part.
Also, this season begins with a huge undertaking as we literally put our children’s ministry on wheels and roll it across Arroyo Seco to Brentwood Elementary School. Let’s ask for God’s favor on this arena of Hope Chapel’s ministry and on our children’s ministry director, Hala Tompkins.
Finally, we should seek God for renewal in our own spiritual walk. I have laid out six areas in which I believe we need concerted prayer. We can take up one area of concern for each of the six weeks of the Lenten period. Let me remind you that the traditional Lenten fast extends for six days of the week, but is not typically observed on Sundays.