Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. A Group Christmas Reading

    Community Updates

    Dearly Beloved,

    I have encouraged Hope Chapel to share the Christmas story with someone before Christmas day.  Or, in lieu of the Christmas story, to share the gospel of Jesus or one’s own testimony of salvation.

    Just in case you desire to bear witness to Jesus in this season, but have not found an opportunity to do so, all is not lost!

    I have developed a document I have prepared for my family’s use which includes the main portions of the Christmas story and a list of characters with both speaking and non-speaking roles.  You can find the Word.docx here and the .pdf file here.

    My hope is that in your family time on Christmas day you will find time to read the story as a group, passing around the task of serving as the narrator, and finding small figurines or statuettes or even paper cut-outs to serve in place of the characters in the story.

    The idea is a simple one:  as the narrator approaches a speaking role someone assumes that part and reads out the words of that character.  This can be accompanied by the holding up of the symbol for that character.  A very large group of people can be included in the story with this methodology.

    Feel free to conduct the reading in whatever way suits your family unit.  This will be a blessing to all and, perhaps, will morph into a cherished family tradition.


  2. 2017 Women’s Retreat “True Name”

    Women of Hope

    “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well.” Psalms 139:14

    2017 Women of Hope Retreat “True Name”

    February 10 – 12th, 2017

    Round Top Retreat Center, Round Top, TX. 

    Make Payment Here

    If you’d like to pay by cash or check please make sure to do the following:

    • Make checks out to Hope Chapel and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name in memo.
    • Place cash payments in envelope and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name somewhere visible on envelope.
    • Please note all check and cash payments should be placed in offering boxes by payee.

    Would you like to provide a scholarship for someone? We thank you for your gift! Please follow the steps below:

    • Every time 3 people donate $40, 1 more lady who would otherwise not be able to, can attend!
    • Provide a scholarship through online giving here. In the memo indicate women’s retreat scholarship. If you know person(s) you’d like the scholarship to go to please indicate full name(s) in the memo as well.
    • If by check please indicate women’s retreat scholarship in the memo line. Do not write any individual name on scholarship checks. You may indicate person(s) you’d like it to go to by attaching a note with full name of person(s) that should receive scholarship.
    • If by cash please place in envelope and indicate women’s retreat scholarship somewhere visible on envelope. Add full name of individual(s) designated to receive scholarship.

    Please contact Women’s Director, Lisette Espinosa, if you have additional questions.