Global Operations

Updates from Global Operations.

  1. Lunch with the Kriegs

    Charlie and Alana Krieg have been serving in New Zealand for the last 4 years with Steiger International Ministries and are returning briefly to share stories! On June 26 bring your lunch to service and join the Kriegs on the playground afterwards for an informal hang out and catch up. They have been ministering to young people in an unprecedented time and surely have much to share!

  2. Defined Teen Girls’ Bible Study, Tuesdays this Summer

    Join us for a Teen Girls’ Study going through the book Defined, by Priscilla Shirer, starting Tuesday, June 7th. This study will be led by Sarah Combs, Holly Tran and Ceci Proeger.
    This is a space for girls (and their moms if they want to join) to hang out, laugh and talk about what it’s like to be a teenager in this day and age.
    Sign up for the study or for more information or for childcare for your younger children on this form or send an email to scombs2000 @gmail .com.
  3. Good Friday + HopeKids Program Registration Link

    Our Good Friday service includes music and meditations on the seven sayings of Jesus at His crucifixion. It is always a very beautiful and poignant time. This service is “rated PG-13” and therefore we run a meaningful HopeKids program during the same service for our younger congregants. Registration is required in order for your children to participate in the program.

    You can sign your children up for the HopeKids program on Realm or by clicking here.

    Contact Hala with questions.

  4. FAM Vision + Child Dedication Service

    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!

  5. Marriage and Parenting Conversation June 4

    Dear Hope Parents,

    You are invited to join Hala and friends for an encouraging conversation about blessing your children, strengthening your marriage and refreshing your parenting tools. We’ll meet at 10 on Saturday, June 4. I’ll provide a light breakfast. This class is part of the preparation for our Parent & Child Dedication service on June 12, but you do not have to have a new baby or participate in the dedication service in order to attend this class.

    Sign up and reserve childcare by contacting hala

  6. WOH Retreat 2022 April 29 – May 1st

    ROOTED: Revealing our Restoration Through Redemption

    Jeremiah 17:8 NLT “They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

    WOH Retreat 2022 is now open. Cost is $200 for triple occupancy, $280 for double occupancy, and $90 for Saturday only. Deadline to register is April 10th. Overnight guests save $10 by registering before March 13, 2022. Use code EARLYBIRD.


    For scholarship information contact Lori McDonald

    For registration questions contact Melinda Armbruster

    For general retreat questions contact Missy