Updates from the Women's Ministry.
Fostering Hope presents its annual conference:presents its annual conference:
A Future and A Hope
March 1, 2025 9a-3:30p
Hill Country Bible Church
12124 Ranch Road 620 North
Austin, Tx 78750
This year’s theme is “Known.” Session topics include fostercare, adoption, strengthening families, caring for families in your congregation and much more! $30 to attend covers lunch and childcare if needed. Register here.
Go to Hope Chapel and plan to attend? Let Mandy Ryniker know, Director of Family and Adopt Ministries.
Psalm 68:6 “God puts the lonely in families…”
God is writing stories of redemption through families at Hope and in Austin. Come hear testimonies of how God is on the move through foster care and adoptive work to both restore families and save souls.
In our season of Advent Hope FAM invites you on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-7:30pm to join us for dinner and testimonies at Hope Chapel and be encouraged that our God is still redeeming people for His Glory and their good.
Childcare provided for 5th grade and under…
RSVP on Realm or contact Mandy Ryniker aryniker@gmail.com
Dear Parents of Hope,
Our next Parent/Child Dedication class is Wednesday, April 30 and in it we’ll cover the “why” of child dedications and principles for creating a Christian home. If you want to dedicate a child this spring or simply be encouraged in your parenting journey, please join Pastor Matt Ryniker and Children’s Ministry Director, Hala Tompkins for an evening of encouragement and equipping as you prepare to dedicate the newest member of your family to the Lord Jesus.
Class starts at 6pm and we’ll be done by 7:30. Sign up for the class and childcare by emailing hala.
The Sunday morning dedication service is scheduled for May 18, 2025.
Dear Parents,
The HopeKids ministry is happy to be able to provide classes for kids of all ages on Sunday mornings! Here’s what to expect on Sundays during the school year.
When you arrive, a greeter will escort you to the coffee shop. There you will find the HopeKids kiosk and check in station. One of our friendly volunteers will be glad to get your kids registered and checked in for the morning. Once you are checked in, you and your children will be escorted to their appropriate classes.
You can pick up your children from those same classrooms when the service ends.
We look forward to meeting you and your kids this Sunday at Hope Chapel!
Calling all young musicians and N2Worship participants.
It’s time to prepare for the fall semester of Kids Worship.
Join Anne Tibbetts for the first Kids Worship practice of the semester. We’ll meet upstairs in the Den at 10am. Bring your instrument (if you can) and your N2Worship binder (if you have one). We’ll provide the coaching and encouragement and fun.
Contact hala for more information.
Watch recent sermons on our YouTube channel.
An archive of past sermons is available on Blubrry.