Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. “Courtship in Crisis” – Book Release Party & Swing Dance on Saturday, August 1st

    Come for a book release party of Thomas Umstattd’s Courtship in Crisis and 1950s Swing Dance Party on Saturday, August 1st from 7:00-11:00pm in Hope Chapel Family Room.

    Come celebrate the completion of Thomas Umstattd’s book, Courtship in Crisis, and purchase a signed copy if you would like. Enjoy the wonderful sounds of the 50s, swing dance to the music (we will have dance lessons for anyone who wants to learn how to swing dance), meet new friends around the dance floor. Swing Dance Instruction for all at 7:00 p.m., followed by short talk from Thomas. Dancing and snacks throughout the evening.

    • Who: Everyone (feel free to bring a +1)

    • Attire: “Austin Semi-Formal” or 1950s Costume, or Business Casual 

    • Cost: Free

    If you want to come, Thomas asked that you RSVP on Facebook so we can get an idea of how many people will be there. 

  2. Summer Salad Picnic in the Backyard on Sunday, August 2nd – Bring Any Salad You Like…

    Join Hope family and friends in the Backyard after the worship service on August 2nd for a picnic. For those who prefer, tables will be set up in the Family Room to enjoy your picnic in air conditioned comfort. Each month will be a little different. Here’s the scoop:

    Sunday Summer Salad Days
    Please bring something to share by last name:
    A-F Dessert
    G-T Salad
    U-Z Fruit.
    How much to bring? Enough for your family plus 2-3 more.

    This is a great time to relax with Hope friends and family, let the kids This is a great time to relax with Hope friends and family, let the kids play while grown-ups chat (with eyes on the kids, of course), and interact with folks you normally don’t have an opportunity to meet.

  3. Last Sunday for Donation Drive for the ABC Angel House Soup Kitchen 

    The 3rd-5th graders of Hope Chapel are spear-heading a donation drive for the ABC* Soup Kitchen from June 21st through July 19th. In addition to serving lunch every day to hungry Austinites, the Soup Kitchen provides boxes of food to hungry families and toiletries are given to people in need.

    Bring your non-perishable foods, travel sized soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes to the drop-off spots in the foyer or the coffee shop. Let’s join our young Hopites and make this drive full of bounty!
    *Austin Baptist Chapel

  4. Stand in Prayer with Metropolitan AME Congregation

    Dearly Beloved,

    Tomorrow night, Wednesday, June 24, at 7:00 p.m. there will be a city-wide prayer meeting at the Metropolitan AME church located at 1101 East 10th Street.

    Along with several other pastors in the city, I will be helping to lead concerted prayers for the unity of our city in support of the African Methodist Episcopal congregation in Charleston that suffered violence a week ago when nine people were gunned down during a prayer gathering.

    Would you please consider altering your plans at this late hour and join us?


    Geno Hildebrandt

  5. Scripture Together Bible Class

    Starting Tuesday June 23rd, a Bible reading class called Scripture Together will meet 7-8PM upstairs in the Den. The first book will be the Gospel According to Mark. See promo video below.

  6. Tonight, Friday, January 12th at 7:00 PM – the Audrey Lopata Illustrated Gospel of John Gallery Exhibit and Reception

    Audrey’s work is amazing. Her illustration of the Word being made flesh as the Holy Spirit overshadows Mary is wonder personified.

    For the past 80 some odd days, our illumining artist, Audrey Lopata, has undertaken illustrating the Gospel of John.

    Come tonight from 7-9:00 PM as Audrey hosts an exclusive gallery-style exhibit at Hope. As she puts it, “For the opening ceremonies I will probably say a few words on what possessed me to do such a thing, and reflect on the experience, and then faint, cause, ya know…public speaking :/”

    “The evening is expected to be a rare intersection of our broader community life, worship, art, and joy in the Holy Spirit for all persons alike. Other inducements for attendance include a magazine/booklet with the complete collection of illustrations for perusal and possible purchase,” says Kevin Daniel, HopeArts’ intern.

    And, of course, receptions always have food so come mill about and discuss!