Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. 2016 N2Worship Camp Coming soon to Hope!!

    2016 N2Worship Summer Camp, July 11-22

    For ages 10 years and older, n2Worship Camp is a two-week camp (Monday through Friday, 9:30am-2:30pm) in which the n2Worship staff endeavors to help students grow in their musical skills and in worshipping God through musical worship. N2Worship provides instrumental and vocal lessons, daily devotional times, as well as opportunities to play in a worship band setting. Advanced students are also involved in song-writing and recording their songs, as well as leading in worship times.

    To find out more information and to sign up, go to

    Hope to see you there!

  2. Repairing Hope Info

    Dearly Beloved,

    I have written a recent blog post that presents three different slide presentations and one sermon all with the express purpose of explaining how we have come to need significant repairs and remodeling for Hope Chapel’s main building complex.  My hope is that with these presentations all gathered in one spot each of us can become fully informed to the depth we desire, while praying about how to support this project financially.  You can go directly to my blog post here.

    Please consider giving generously to help fund our much-needed repairs to Hope’s main building complex.  Here is the link:  Pledge/Give Now.


  3. Global Day of Prayer for Turkey Anniversary of the Malatya Martyrs Monday, April 18th

    This coming Monday, April 18th, we recognize the ninth anniversary of the shocking, brutal murder and modern-day martyrdom in Malatya, Turkey of three servants of Christ which caught the attention of the world and of The Church.
    Since then much, much martyrs’ blood has been spilled in our world and so the Malatya Martyrs can be overlooked or even forgotten. This prayer gathering is for us to never forget that severe persecution exists in Turkey, one of the nations we pray for.
    Britt and Jonelle Tucker, who currently serve as pastors at Hope in the City are giving a special report on the rising pressure on the Turkish Church.
    Come hear, pray, and worship God from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Hope in the City joins with us to bless the the nation of Turkey, the persecuted church there, and the foreign mission workers with our prayers.
  4. Good Friday This Friday

    Our Good Friday service is this Friday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. and includes music and meditations on the seven sayings of Jesus at His crucifixion. It is always a very beautiful and poignant time.

    We regret that the deadline has now passed to reserve child care.

  5. Walter Heidenreich Is The Special Speaker at the Easter Sunday Night Service

    Walter Heidenreich read about him here is visiting the Austin area from his homeland, Germany. He has spoken at Hope Chapel when he has visited in the past. He’s speaking at the Sunday Night Church at 5:30 p.m. (Easter Sunday)

    He and his wife, Irene, lead FCJG (Free Christian Youth Community) in Lüdenscheid. What once started with a drug rehab center has grown into a worldwide ministry in the past three decades. including HELP International, the international ministry branch.

    Walter had a powerful encounter with God while he was still a drug addict with no Christians around, and God radically changed his life. Since this encounter Walter has been walking with God, fervently burning for Jesus, revival, and missions.

    We wanted to make sure those of you who know him (or wanted to meet from him) were aware of this opportunity to interact with him this coming Sunday night

  6. Global Day of Prayer for Turkey Anniversary of the Malatya Martyrs Monday, April 18th

    Monday, April 18th is the Global Day of Prayer for Turkey, marking the anniversary of the three modern-day Christian workers martyred in the city of Malatya in 2007 for sharing the Gospel. Ugur Yüksel, Necati Aydin, and Tilmann Geske were the first known martyred Christians since 1979.

    Hope Chapel hosts an evening of prayer from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Hope in the City joins with us to bless the the nation of Turkey, the persecuted church there, and the foreign mission workers (including our friends) with your prayers.