Children’s Baptism Class

Dear Parents,

Two baptism classes (taught by Pastor Matt)  are scheduled for Saturday, Saturday, May 20 (9:30-11am) and Saturday, June 4, (9:30-11am). If your child has expressed interest in being baptized this year, please plan on attending these classes. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their children. Childcare will be provided by contacting Hala.

The baptism service will be on June 11. This service will be followed by an outdoor water fun day on our playground, as is our custom.

We’ve designed the baptism classes to help parents decide whether or not their children are ready for baptism. If you are unsure about whether or not this is the right year, class number one will help you decide.

Adults who would like to be baptized should simply contact Pastor Matt. He will be happy to talk with you!

Let Hala know if you have any kid-related questions!