Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Farewell to the Cruzes

    Community Updates

    Our time with José and Betsy Cruz has come to a close as they will be moving to Dallas to continue their work. We are sad to see them go, but so excited for what God has in store for them in their new environment! Hope Chapel will continue to love and pray for them and we’ll always welcome them home.

    Please join us for a cake reception after the service on December 1 to love on them and wish them well. If you’d like to send them off with notes of encouragment and words from the Lord they will happily receive them!

  2. All You Can


    Luke 16:3-4, 8-13

    “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” from John Wesley. Geno leads us in thinking about stewarding our resources well.  We are to use money as a means, using it to serve people and advance the kingdom. We are to be ambitious for God. @genohild

  3. Monthly Newcomers Lunch – November 17th

    Community Updates

    Are you new to Hope Chapel?

    We want to welcome you and get to know you better! Join us for our monthly Newcomers Lunch on November 17th. We’ll be in the Den (large room upstairs) as soon as we can manage after the service ends for about an hour.

    Please text the word Lunch to 512.645.1980 to let us know to expect you. Looking forward to seeing you there!