Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Congregational Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 9th

    Community Updates

    Community meeting at 6:30 PM; Optional meal will be served at 5:30 PM in the Family Room.

    Come hear updates on our finances, building, and more. Child care provided by reservation. There will be no usual adult group meetings.

    RSVP for the meal and child care by completing the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Submit”. Deadline to RSVP is midnight Sunday, Oct. 6th.

    NOTE: Please RSVP for the meal and child care even if you normally attend Family Night.

    RSVP Here:

    We regret that the deadline to RSVP has passed.

  2. Maker’s Market & Festival


    Our Maker’s Market Festival is Saturday, Oct. 12th! It’s HopeArts’ and Hope Chapel’s indoor/outdoor art market and festival, with taco truck, bouncy house, activities and games, and so much more! Invite and bring your friends and neighbors and their kids from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

    We’ll be showcasing works for sale by creative people in the HopeArts and greater community. Featuring artists, crafters, and makers of all kinds. Portions of sales and booth rentals go to support the HopeArts’ Ministry. Donations also accepted!

    There’s still time to reserve booth space – check here for details: HopeArts.org (indoor and outdoor space: $35 per vendor).

  3. Art Studio Rules (updated)


    HopeArts Art Studio Rules


    These rules exist to ensure the experience of the studio for ALL artists, and to promote a safe and supportive environment of creativity for the community of artists.


    These rules are updated periodically, and so it is incumbent upon the individual artist to keep up with the rules and any updated information/policies outlined herein.


    1. Love (agape and phileo) One Another: be patient, be kind, be considerate, be humble, consider others as you would consider and esteem yourself, be not self-seeking, be not rude, be not aggressive or bullying, be safe and a safe-place for others.
    2. Love the Community of Artists as you would love (agape and phileo) an individual artist.
    3. Clean up after each session: no janitorial services visit the studio; each artist is responsible for cleaning up spills and messes, returning items to their lockers of community cubbies/storage areas, taking out trash (especially any trash with food wrappers/food stuffs). 
    4. Any chemical usage requiring ventilation or mask usage not permitted during Open Creation Times (Mon.-Fri. 6:30 P.M.-8:30 P.M.), or within 4 hours (or a longer reasonable time for ventilation of space) before those times. We have artists with breathing issues, and health and safety to consider. 
    5. No food to be kept in lockers.
    6. No open consumption or sharing of substances or materials for which anyone potentially suffering an addiction to said items; this includes alcohol, pornography, and the like.
    7. No possession, storage, usage, or distribution of controlled substances; if it is against the law, it is against the rules.
    8. Any coarse joking, lewdness, conversation, or topic which explicitly hurts or bothers another artist present is to be ceased upon first request.
    9. Activities affecting other artists as a whole are allowed / determined acceptable by the group present.