March 4th, 2019 ›
Please consider this request I am about to make. I very certainly feel the Lord is attempting to stir up a long-dormant theatrical component at Hope Chapel. I am convinced the Lord is using Nance Friedman to spearhead this move.
The word discusses how we are given apostles, prophets, teachers, preachers for the building up of the Body for acts of service. I feel some of those acts of service of our Body at Hope will be theatrical works of service, of which our members will perform. If it is the Lord, then He doesn’t need professionals but willing hearts.
To quote the initial message of Nance : ”
“Whether it’s Shakespeare, Spielberg or Sorkin – we are drawn to theater and drama! Hope Chapel has a long tradition of art, music and theater and we are ready to start a regular time and place for thespians and hopeful thespians to come together and prepare drama to be shared at Hope.
Generally we will be meeting the first and third Saturdays of the month from 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Ages 13 – 100 welcome!
March dates are modified for Spring Break (16th, and 30th of March are the modified meeting dates).
Questions? Please reach out to Nance Friedman 512/888-2629 or Kevin Daniel (text) 512-367-0339.”
Please do not consider your lack of experience or even your schedule, but consider His ability to empower you. He used an unread fisherman to speak to kings, surely he can use a simple accountant or housewife to perform a script which illustrates a sermon on a Sunday.
So, to recap the specifics: first meeting is March 16th, 2nd meeting is March 30th. For every meeting AFTER MARCH we will meet on the first and third Saturdays of the month, ALWAYS AT 3:30-5:30 P.M. IN 2ND GRADE CLASSROOM.
We used to do this very kind of thing at Hope Chapel, and it unquestionably enriched our corporate lives, our community, our teaching ministry, and even our worship. This is good.