Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Hope Family Night Returns!

    Community Updates

    The Hope Chapel family gathers on Wednesday evenings to reconnect over supper before going to a variety of small groups.  See the Hope Group page, Hope Arts page, and Women of Hope page  for a more detailed list of groups available.  Supper will be served from 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm.  Groups will meet from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with childcare provided during group time.  There is always something interesting and uplifting happening at Hope Chapel on Wednesday evenings.  Join us! The new semester starts September 10th.

  2. New Hope 301 classes

    Community Updates

    Two new Hope 301 classes will be starting in a few weeks, on September 14.  Both will meet during the first service.

    Kay Hart will teach “Faith and Work”.  Work is not a necessary evil but an essential part of being made in the image of God. The first seven weeks of this course will be based on materials by the New City Commons Foundation and will include three articles to read and three projects to complete between sessions that will help participants form a framework for faith and work.  The remaining five weeks will use materials from a variety of sources, including Higher Calling and Work of the People, and will help participants apply the principles learned to their specific situations.  This class will meet during first service and will end in time to greet people between services.  The first half hour will feel more like a small group as we all check in with each other.

    Brett Hart will teach “Conversations with Jesus”.  This class will experience and explore the various conversations that people had with Jesus over the course of his earthly live. We will move more or less chronologically though the Gospels ending with His conversation with the disciples on the beach, just before His resurrection. In addition to examining these conversations we will be in conversation with them and seek to apply their content to our own daily lives.  This class meets during the first service and ends in time to greet people between services.  The first half hour each Sunday morning will feel more like a small group as we chat and check in with each other.

  3. Overseas Friends’ Reception This Sunday

    Community Updates

    Our friends are in town from overseas and this Sunday, August 24th, we’ll have a reception for them after each service in the Family Room. Visit and catch up with what’s been happening in their lives on the overseas mission field.