Our dear brother, John Bibee, is with the Lord. Memorial Service in 2019
November 18th, 2018Community Updates
Our hearts are broken and yet we have hope that we will meet again and that today he is dancing on streets of gold.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” John 11:25-26
I would like to thank all of those friends and family who have been with us during this battle over the past year and a half – praying, cooking meals, sitting with Dad during chemo appointments (the list goes on) – and also those who came to see him this past week to sing to him, tell him how much he meant to you, share memories… Our family is so very grateful for your support and care, and seeing the outpouring of love towards him has brought great comfort to us all.
Our family plans to have a memorial service at a later date, perhaps in the new year and we would love to have you there to reflect on and celebrate his life. I will share details about this service when the time comes. Finally, his wishes were to be cremated and buried in a family plot in Missouri, which will also take place at a later date.
With all our love, we miss you, Dad.
Hope Chapel will post information here at hope.org and on our Facebook page when the memorial service is scheduled.