Women of Hope

Updates from the Women's Ministry.

  1. MOPS Spring Registration Now Open

    Calling all mothers of preschoolers!

    MOPS@Hope meetings include meaningful conversations, laughter, yummy food, and encouragement. Each time we meet, you’ll get to have honest conversations about topics that are relevant and significant. We want to help you become a better mom because better moms make a better world. Motherhood may be hard but it doesn’t have to be lonely.

    Register at www.hope.org/mopsspring2024.

  2. Women’s Conference February 24


    Women of Hope Conference 2024 Saturday, February 24th

    @Hope Chapel

    That’s right ladies, this year we are holding a 1 day conference just for you! Retreat resumes in 2025. Save the date and tell all your girl friends to join us. This conference is for girls and women Middle School (12) and up. More information coming soon!

    Why should you go, because you are WANTED!

  3. Women’s H2H

    Ladies come connect at the next

    Heart 2 Heart

    Saturday, April 29th from 7-8:30pm

    Potluck dessert, Coffee, and Tea in the Family Room at Hope Chapel.

    We’ll have some intentional time with the Women of Hope to hear about and share what God is doing and saying to us during this season.

    RSVP and dessert sign ups here.

    Contact Joelene Michel with any questions.

  4. Women of Hope Retreat 2023



       “Therefore lift up your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees.”  Hebrews 12:12

    Friday, February 24 – Sunday, 26th

    Jordan Ranch Retreat Center

    Registration CLOSES Tuesday, February 7th

    Cost: $230 for triple occupancy room

    It’s almost here! don’t miss out, if you are on the fence, or need a scholarship contact one of our team members below. We want to help you and see your beautiful face at retreat.

    Contact Rebekah Voelker for payment/scholarship/donation questions: rebekahjvoelker@gmail.com

    Contact Rebecca Lundy for registration questions: rebecca1.cota@gmail.com