Children's Ministry

Updates from the Children's Ministry.

  1. HopeKids Childcare Worker Training on September 4

    Hope Chapel’s childcare workers and Sunday School volunteers are invited to learn tools for new and better ways to interact with all of our Hope kids in the spirit of TBRI  and relational connection.

    Join us for dinner and training on September 4, 2024. Registration opens soon.

    Contact Joelene for more details

  2. Fall Books & Breakfast

    Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as the very last one. Two thousand years ago, John’s Revelation was circulated and read aloud among seven churches in Asia Minor. Those who heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. The same can be true for us today. Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps us discover how the last book of the Bible—the culmination of God’s great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

    Dates: Thursdays, September 12th to November 14th

    Time: 9:30-11:30am

    Location: Upstairs Den, Hope Chapel

    Childcare available until full

    Sign up here today!

  3. HopeKids Classes — What to Expect During the Summer

    Dear Parents,

    The HopeKids ministry is happy to be able to provide classes for kids of all ages on Sunday mornings! Here’s what to expect on Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

    When you arrive, a greeter will escort you to the coffee shop. There you will find the HopeKids kiosk and check in station. One of our friendly volunteers will be glad to get your kids registered and checked in for the morning. After this, you and your children will return to the sanctuary and worship together.

    At the end of the singing, the children are released to their classes. Feel free to accompany your children to class and then participate in the service. Pick your kids up from their classroom when the service ends.

    We look forward to meeting you and your kids this Sunday at Hope Chapel!

  4. Visit with Carlos and Lorena

    Please join us for an amazing meal along with awe-inspiring God stories! Our friends have much to share about their adventures around the world.

    Please RSVP by July 9 on the Realm event.

  5. FAM Lemonade Stand

    Your favorite Summer Lemonade Stand is back this year! During Hope’s first Summer Fun Night on June 26 from 5-7pm on Hope’s front sidewalk.


    Like every year, our stand raises awareness about Hope Chapel’s Foster & Adopt Ministry to the Brentwood Neighborhood and benefits Foster Village –  – a local nonprofit that provides support groups & tangible items for foster families in Austin. 


    See you there! 

    Are you a Hopite (young or old!) interested in helping make the stand happen? Reach out to Rebekah Voelker to volunteer –


  6. Children’s Baptism Classes Coming in May

    Hello Parents of Hope!

    If your child has been asking about being baptized this year, please plan on attending two classes with Matt Ryniker and Hala Tompkins. Class One is on Wednesday, May 14 and Class Two is on Wednesday, May 28. Both classes will begin at 6pm and end no later than 730. Our annual baptism Sunday is scheduled for Sunday, June 8, 2025.

    Our baptism classes are designed for children aged eight and older and are meant to help parents and kids determine together if this is the right year for baptism. Because of this, parents are asked to attend class with their child both weeks.

    Let Hala know if you have any kid-related questions. Adults who would like to be baptized should simply contact Pastor Matt. He will be happy to talk with you!

    Childcare is provided by reservation, Sign up for the classes and childcare by emailing