Global Operations

Updates from Global Operations.

  1. Lunch with the Littlefields

    Our lovely friends are visiting the states and have much to share about their service abroad! Please join us in the family room on Jan 19 after the service for lunch and conversation. We will have a time of sharing, Q&A, and plenty of hugs to go around! RSVP on the Realm.

  2. Cambodian Lunch

    Andrew and Katie Martin are on a short visit back and will be sharing about their time serving in Cambodia. Please join us in the family room for a traditional Cambodian meal this Sunday, Jan 12. RSVP on the Realm.

  3. Global Christmas is Here!

    It’s the season to bless our workers, both here and abroad, by remembering them and sending gifts.

    Write a note! 

    There will be stationary supplied in the coffee area for you to write a greeting or a blessing to a worker. HGT will collect these and mail them off.

    Give a gift!

    Out of the side doors of the sanctuary, under the stairs, there are ornaments you can pull off the wall and place in the envelope provided (be sure to lift them up in a quick prayer while you do this!). HGT will collect these and record the amounts after each service. Please be sure to mark the amount and your name on the envelope.

    Thank you so much for thinking, praying, and giving towards our workers! We pray this season will be a blessing to you and your family, as well!


  4. Lunch with Robin and Isabel Smith

    Steve and Robin Smith are former Hope-ites who moved to India and saw a rapidly multiplying movement of disciple-making. They are currently working in Southeast Asia, where we recently sent their family to serve with them (the Rekedals).

    Robin and her daughter Isabel will be with us August 25 for a lunch reception following service, so please join us! We will hear briefly from them about life abroad and open it up for a Q&A time. RSVPs on the Realm or at


  5. Following Jesus: Making Disciples

    Perhaps you have often heard it said Jesus called us to make disciples, NOT converts!

    Yet many of us live with a sense of guilt about not actually making disciples.

    Here’s a simple question:”Do you know HOW to make a disciple?”

    Did you know that we have a family that was sent out of Hope Chapel and moved to India that actually helped start a rapidly multiplying movement of disciple-making?

    On Sept 6 and 7, Robin and Isabelle Smith will share their vast experience of disciple-making with Hope Chapel. They will help facilitate an interactive time of exploring what Scripture says about how Jesus actually made disciples, while praying together about how to do this effectively in our own spheres of influence. You’ll come away with practical tools to further equip you in making disciples as Jesus did, and with a deeper understanding of God’s heart for people.

    RSVP on Realm or Click Here

  6. Operation Ankara Child

    This season, Hope Chapel would like to bless our worker’s local church in Ankara. The children’s classrooms were flooded and much of their supplies and furnishings needed to be discarded (not unlike our own kids wing!). Please consider making a donation to cover costs of refurnishing the rooms with crafts and supplies, rugs, a new coat of paint, and storage furniture. We would love to raise $1000 to cover all these costs! Thank you so much for your generosity.