Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. The world comes to us at the University of Texas…Hope’s World Welcome Wants You!

    Students are ready and waiting for friendship partners and/or English teachers. World Welcome, Hope’s ministry to internationals in our community and at UT, invites you to become friends with an international student.

    Become a Friendship Partner…
    …and spend time with a student once a month. Do fun things; invite them into your home or have them join you for family activities; share your story.

    Facilitate an English Conversation Group…
    …and meet with 2 or 3 students for 1-2 hours once a week (September 1st – December 1st) to help them improve their conversational English skills. Days and times of classes depend on students and teachers. Materials for these classes are provided.

    World Welcome provides all kinds of assistance to equip you in every way. All you need to do is commit to spend some time with a student for three months (Sept. 1st – Dec. 1st). Do you have a willing heart, are moderately patient, and excited about showing Jesus’ love to someone far from home? Email us here or sign up on our home page or just talk to Maria Duran, Director of Outreach to International Students.

  2. Weekend Saturday Night Outreach

    If you want to grow with us in witnessing, giving prophetic encouragement or praying with people in public, feel free to visit and join a team.  We meet Saturdays in the Lighthouse 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. 
    Contact Matt Ryniker if you plan to join in. Let’s explore and practice what it means for Christians to hear from God in order to build others up.

  3. Overseas Friends’ Reception

    Our friends are in town from overseas and we get to fête them with a reception on Thursday, July 31st from 5:30-7:30 p.m in the Family Room. Come straight from work for appetizers or bring the family after an early dinner for some dessert. Visit and catch up with what’s been happening in their lives before they head home.

  4. Help Women Out of Slavery – Come to the Redeemed Ministry Coaster Party

    If you’ve ever watched a movie, read a blog or a book that dealt with oppression – I know you’ve felt it: That desire to DO SOMETHING. And yet, we often feel that dishes, laundry, work, grocery shopping and yard work sap us of our will power and we just don’t know where to start. How can little ol’ me make a difference? I’m not Jen Hatmaker or Oprah!

    Well, maybe we start small – and band together. I’m OK by myself, but so much stronger when my gal pals are with me.  So here we go girls – 

    We’re having a “band together party” to deal with one of the biggest problems in AUSTIN – slavery. Yes. Slavery. Here are the facts.  Specifically human sex trafficking.

    We’ll talk with Redeemed Ministries and help support a woman that is walking in the Light now. Learning how to support herself and start a new life.

    Redeemed Ministries mission is to bring Christ’s loving redemption and amazing liberation to those trapped and exploited within the commercial sex industry and/or by human trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labor. We focus on outreach, aftercare and advocacy and are located in Houston, Austin and Dallas. 

    Women who have been rescued out of sex trafficking and are in our aftercare program make coasters as a healthy means of supporting themselves and transitioning back into society. This allows them to save money to get on their feet and start a new life. By hosting a coaster party, not only is Hope Chapel bringing awareness to the issue of sex trafficking, but supporting one of our women living in Austin! Please come join us to learn more about sex trafficking in our city and how you can combat the issue.

    YOU CAN HELP! And it’s so much better than the dishes. 

    The Special details:

    When: Saturday night, August 23rd, 6 – 8pm

    Where: Hope Chapel – the den upstairs

    We’ll have light food and the chance to here from Calli from Redeemer Ministries and help support a woman making the transition to a new life out of slavery.


  5. Planning Your Weekend? Add in our Training for Walmarting on Saturday Night.

    If you are interested in going on our prayer-walking outreach called “Walmarting,” but would like to learn more about how prophecy and evangelism can work together, come learn from Diane Wall this Saturday from 8:30 – 10:00pm. You do NOT have to go out on a team that night. We will stay in the Lighthouse and encourage one another in the practice of encouraging words, praying in public, prayer-walking & listening to God’s prompting.