October is the kick-off month for our in-home Firesides! We have locations all around Austin throughout the month so I encourage you to find at least one to attend. You are welcome to attend as many as you’d like!
Each one-hour Fireside has a local topic and an overseas topic, with specific Scriptures for each. It will be a great time of encountering God’s heart for His people around the world, through His word. I anticipate some encouraging words from the Lord, and some deeper connections with each other and those for whom we pray.
October Fireside times and contact info:
Tuesday, 11th, 7:45 PM – Michel’s home 78723
Thursday, 13th, 7:30 PM – Raines’ home 78759 • text 512.773.3307
Friday, 14th, 7:00 PM (2 hour Fireside) – Crowley home 78681
Friday 14th, 7:15 PM – Dorman’s home 78738
Thursday, 20th, 7:00 PM – Hildebrandt’s home 78753 • call or text 512-680-3916
Friday, 21st, 7:00 PM – Johnston’s home 78759
Tuesday, 25th, 7:30 PM – Umstattd’s home 78759
Please visit The City if you’d like physical address locations.
Thank you for participating in extending God’s kingdom through prayer and worship! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me,