Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Congregational Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 9th

    Community meeting at 6:30 PM; Optional meal will be served at 5:30 PM in the Family Room.

    Come hear updates on our finances, building, and more. Child care provided by reservation. There will be no usual adult group meetings.

    RSVP for the meal and child care by completing the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Submit”. Deadline to RSVP is midnight Sunday, Oct. 6th.

    NOTE: Please RSVP for the meal and child care even if you normally attend Family Night.

    RSVP Here:

    We regret that the deadline to RSVP has passed.

  2. Hope Newcomers Lunch – September 15th

    Are you new to Hope Chapel?

    We want to welcome you and get to know you better! Join us for our monthly Newcomers Lunch on September 15th. We’ll be in the Den (large room upstairs) as soon as we can manage after the service ends for about an hour.

    Please text the word Lunch to 512.645.1980 to let us know to expect you. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  3. Makers Market Festival – Art Market, Bouncy House & Taco Truck Saturday Oct.12th

    Maker’s Market 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M., Oct. 12, 2019

    Our Maker’s Market Festival is Saturday, Oct. 12th! It’s HopeArts’ and Hope Chapel’s indoor/outdoor art market and festival, with taco truck, bouncy house, activities and games, and so much more! Invite and bring your friends and neighbors and their kids from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

    We’ll be showcasing works for sale by creative people in the HopeArts and greater community. Featuring artists, crafters, and makers of all kinds. Portions of sales and booth rentals go to support the HopeArts’ Ministry. Donations also accepted!

    There’s still time to reserve booth space – check here for details: (indoor and outdoor space: $35 per vendor).

  4. Gifts’ Night on Wednesday, May 15th 6:30 PM • A Less Stressed, More Blessed Night • Come See Your Friends Perform

    Come Wednesday, May 15th from 6:30-8:00 PM and see your friendly Hopites share their talent:

    • The Bluegrass Special Band (ala Scott McDonald, Tully Rowe, plus)

    • John Patrick Cogdell

    • Thomas Cogdell

    • Kevin Daniel

    • The Fischer Family

    • Joe Friedman

    • The Hope Chapel Drama Team

    • Mark Kovach

    • Judah Lathem

    They’ve got music, readings, comedy, something I cannot tell you about, and more music! Join in this old Hope tradition (from 1978-present).

    No childcare but kids are welcome!

  5. Matt Ryniker Ordination

    Let’s Join in Celebration

    Matthew Ryniker Ordination and Cake Reception on Sunday, April 28th, 10AM

    Matt is changing positions at Hope Chapel and becomes our Associate Pastor this Sunday, April 28th in the 10AM serviceafter he’s ordained.

    Though the youth will miss him in his role as youth pastor, he’ll pick up other responsibilities that bring his many skills and gifts to bear for the entire congregation; he’s already been doing that as Outreach pastor. Mandy Ryniker finishes her nursing training in the next week and graduates also. They are together ready to walk in this new role.

    Our Hopekids’ classes begin at 10AM. They’ll come back in at the end of the service so they don’t miss Matt’s ordination. Older kids can either sit on the floor up front or go be seated with their parents.

    Come celebrate the gift that Matt is to Hope! A cake reception follows.

  6. Congregational Meeting Wednesday, March 27th

    Come eat supper 5:30-6:15 p.m. and then hear an update on finances, our building, and future events at the 6:30 p.m. congregational meeting. Program for children ages infant-Jr. High. No adult hope groups will meet.

    Please RSVP for the 5:30 meal, so we have an accurate count. Child care is available by reservation. The deadline to RSVP for both is midnight Sunday, March 24th.

    NOTE: Please RSVP for the meal and child care even if you normally attend Family Night. RSVP using the form below. Be sure to click “Submit” at the bottom:

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