Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Palm Sunday Livestream Service at Hope, April 5th, 10AM

    Join us for our livestreaming service with worship (singing) and the Bible explained in a sermon this Sunday at 10:00 AM. Invite someone to the service with you – they’ll be home anyway probably. Please feel free to share the link freely  You can also find us weekly by looking for the video marked “Live” on our YouTube home page at

    Our Sunday livestream is our primary way to worship during the Covid-19 social distancing while we’re out of the building. We see the people of Hope Chapel as the “church” not our building that houses us when we meet. So come be a part of our church.

    Check out for more events happening on Zoom and WebEx weekly also.

    To contact church staff, look on our About page.

  2. Needs Spreadsheet: TEAM HOPE

    Dearly Beloved,

    On Wednesday evening during our congregational hangout Wendy introduced us to a spreadsheet entitled ‘Team Hope’ where we could share our needs with one another and then someone could fill that need and we can keep a record of these acts of kindness. I love the idea of a need meeting a resource to satisfy that need.

    Here is the link:

    Technically this is a shared google doc, so some may find it difficult to access. If so, please let me ( or Matt ( or Suzi ( or a friend with some technical expertise know you are struggling to get your need posted and we’ll lend a hand.

    Also, if your need is too sensitive for you to post it publicly, please let me or Matt know and we’ll do our best to connect you to resources.

    Finally, if you can help out some of our folks with needs and would like to do so anonymously, please text me or Matt and we’ll do our best to help you serve our community without your name being involved.

    Thanks to all,


  3. Sunday Morning Livestream for 2020Mar29 at 10AM

    This Sunday the livestream will be our primary way to worship. This is part of Hope Chapel’s decision to shepherd our health by canceling gatherings at the church building. Please feel free to share this link freely. To watch, click on the underlined link.


  4. Sunday Morning Livestream for 2020Mar20 at 10AM

    This Sunday the livestream will be our primary way to worship. This is part of Hope Chapel’s decision to shepherd our health by canceling gatherings at the church. Please feel free to share this link freely. To watch, click on the underlined link or the image below.



  5. An evening in the Psalms, led by David Taylor

    The Music of the Psalms in Church History

     Date And Time

    Sunday, May 3, 2020.   6:00 PM – 7:30 PM


    Christ Church

    112 Medina Street.   Austin, TX 78702

    For two thousand years Christians have found the Psalter to be an invaluable resource for worship and prayer. And, like the original psalmists, Christians have felt compelled and inspired to set the text of the psalms to music through the ages.

    In collaboration with local musicians, David Taylor, past Hope Chapel arts pastor and now assistant professor of theology and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and author of Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life, will explore how Christians in different periods of church history have sung the psalms within corporate worship—and sung them quite differently—in the Apostolic, Patristic, Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, and Contemporary eras.    Join us for a stimulating evening of song, image and speech!

     Find link to register for this free event and to reserve childcare below:

    (Childcare will be available for children 5 and under with advanced registration.)

  6. Sunday Morning LiveStream Here

    This Sunday the livestream will be our primary way to worship. This is part of Hope Chapel’s decision to shepherd our health by canceling gatherings at the church. Please feel free to share this link freely.