Children's Ministry

Updates from the Children's Ministry.

  1. HopeKids Classes– What to Expect During the Summer

    Dear Parents,

    The HopeKids ministry is happy to be able to provide classes for kids of all ages on Sunday mornings! Here’s what to expect on Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

    When you arrive, a greeter will escort you to the coffee shop. There you will find the HopeKids kiosk and check in station. One of our friendly volunteers will be glad to get your kids registered and checked in for the morning. After this, you and your children will return to the sanctuary and worship together.

    At the end of the singing, the children are released to their classes. Feel free to accompany your children to class and then participate in the service. Pick your kids up from their classroom when the service ends.

    We look forward to meeting you and your kids this Sunday at Hope Chapel!

  2. Women’s H2H

    Ladies come connect at the next

    Heart 2 Heart

    Saturday, April 29th from 7-8:30pm

    Potluck dessert, Coffee, and Tea in the Family Room at Hope Chapel.

    We’ll have some intentional time with the Women of Hope to hear about and share what God is doing and saying to us during this season.

    RSVP and dessert sign ups here.

    Contact Joelene Michel with any questions.

  3. FAM All Call

    FAM is hosting an evening with dinner and childcare in order to hear from you. We want to know how God is moving and what you feel He may be calling you to. We also want to share with you some upcoming classes and plans for FAM. 

    Do you feel a call to serve families in our community in crisis and help prevent them from entering the foster care system? Are you contemplating foster care or adoption any time in the future? Are you looking for ways to engage that are lower commitment than signing up for foster care? Do you have no idea how you may fit in but for some reason feel drawn towards FAM? 

    Come join us for dinner and conversation as we explore upcoming ways FAM plans to engage with the Austin community and at Hope Chapel in the coming year. You’ll hear from us, and we want to hear from you. Join us!

    RSVP for FAM All Call:

  4. FAM Lunch Service Opportunity

    On April 26th FAM will serve local Grandparents involved in kinship care raising their grandchildren.

    Every month, an Austin nonprofit, Fostering Hope provides lunch for the local chapter of Texas Grandparents Raising Grandkids.

    Hope Chapel partners with Fostering Hope and will provide and serve the grandparents attending the meeting on April 26th.

    This is an opportunity to tangibly bless and serve those involved in orphan care.

    To cook or help serve, contact Mandy for details:

  5. FAM Men Night March 31

    On March 31 in the evening, FAM will host a men’s night for FAM Dads/Caregivers and those that want to support them.

    Held at Hope Chapel Member’s home this evening will include conversation, pickle ball, & if anything like last year, a lot of BBQ.

    For more detailed information, contact Mark Proeger for details:

  6. Lunch with Mary Jo

    We are thrilled to have a long time friend and mentor visiting Hope Chapel Sunday, March 19. Please join us for a lunch reception in the family room immediately following the service to hear about all that God is doing across the globe.

    RSVPs are on Realm and are greatly encouraged.