Women of Hope

Updates from the Women's Ministry.

  1. Spring Books & Breakfast

    Esther, a study by Kelly Minter

    A beautiful queen, her courageous cousin, a foreign land, and a murderous adversary—the book of Esther has all the elements of an epic drama. Join us for this 7-session study, where we will look at the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith developed over time, rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called you for such a time as this.

    Dates: Thursdays, February 6th – March 27th (Not meeting March 20th for Spring Break)
    Time: 9:30-11:30am
    Location: Upstairs Den, Hope Chapel

    Childcare for 5th grade and under available until full

    Sign up here today!

  2. FAM “Stories of Redemption” Wednesday, December 4th

    FAM Stories of Redemption

    Psalm 68:6 “God puts the lonely in families…”

    God is writing stories of redemption through families at Hope and in Austin. Come hear testimonies of how God is on the move through foster care and adoptive work to both restore families and save souls. 

    In our season of Advent Hope FAM invites you on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-7:30pm to join us for dinner and testimonies at Hope Chapel and be encouraged that our God is still redeeming people for His Glory and their good. 

    Childcare provided for 5th grade and under…

    RSVP on Realm or contact Mandy Ryniker aryniker@gmail.com

  3. Fall Family Night Wednesdays Runs Through November 20th!

    What is Family Night?

    Hope Chapel hosts small groups and book studies on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome: single, married, with or without kids. For more info about groups that meet during Family Night – and groups that meet throughout the week – check out the Hope Groups page and find a group. Childcare registration is now closed.

    Middle School Ministry

    The Middle Schoolers meet weekly on Wednesdays in the Lighthouse. They also meet 2nd & 4th Sunday mornings. Contact Wes for more info and address.

  4. Family Night – with a Meal!

    What is Family Night? Hope Chapel hosts small groups and book studies on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 PM (meal at 5:00 p.m. this semester). Everyone is welcome: single, married, with or without kids. For more info about groups that meet during family night – and groups that meet throughout the week – check out the Hope Groups page!


    Jr. High meets weekly on Wednesdays in the Lighthouse. They also meet 2nd & 4th Sunday mornings. Contact Wes for more info and address.


    If you have kids (5th grade and younger) you’d like to bring, please RSVP on Realm for a  fun program with an emphasis on scripture memorization.


    Chef Abby is making the meal this semester. It begins at 5:00 p.m. and we’ll clean up around 5:45 p.m. so people can be in their groups by 6:00 p.m.

  5. Spring Fever Makers Market Saturday, April 9th

    10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on the Hope Chapel grounds

    Plan to stop by! Artists and makers of all kinds will be selling their delightful handmade wares! There will be lots of fun for the young and young-at-heart, such as face-painting and live music. Dine with food vendors who’ll be on hand with delicious offerings for lunch and beyond.

    Interested in being a Vendor? Get more details/registration HERE. Deadline to sign up for booth space is Monday, April 4th.