Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. After Church Games

    Community Updates

    Join us every third Sunday for board and card games after church in the family room. Bring your own lunch! We typically have people stay till 2-3 PM, but feel free to come and go as you please.

  2. Continue in the Spirit


    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!

  3. Women’s Conference: WANTED!

    Community Updates

    This year we are changing things up. Rather than going away we’ve decided to take some time and make room at home for women who can’t make it to retreats. The reasons are various from work to illness, to birthday conflicts and the list goes on. It’s important to make room. We also want to make room for our budding ladies. These young girls will soon be adult women and we want them to know they are a part of us.

    Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

    36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

    I and the team are excited with where the Holy Spirit is taking us with this theme of WANTED. We believe that making room is part of what helps others believe they are wanted by God and others. There is room for you and we hope that you’ll join us on this journey of discovering more of why God wants us.

    Love Lisette & WOH Team Leads

    WOH Conference 2024: WANTED!

    Special Guest Speaker Jeanine Sanchez

    Saturday, February 24th 8:30am – 4:00pm, Hope Chapel

    Click for Registration Details



  4. Re-Ignite Marriage Seminar

    Community Updates

    Hope Chapel is welcoming guest speakers Steve and Lorraine Box to lead us in strengthening our marriages. Steve and Lorraine are gifted prayers, coaches, and lay-counselors, and use these gifts to minister to and equip the body of Christ. The 2 day conference will focus on communication, connection and how to repair disconnection. They provide a workbook, as well, to continue the work once they’re gone, and Hope Chapel is offering small groups dedicated to the 5-week follow up.

    Register now to begin deepening your connection with your spouse!

    Hope Chapel

    Feb 2, 6-9pm

    Feb 3, 8:30-3pm

    Childcare and lunch are provided, but RSVPs are required. Contact Ceci Proeger with any questions.

  5. Worship With All of Your Life


    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!

  6. Family Night w/ Adult & Middle School Groups and Wednesday Kids’ Club

    Community Updates

    What is Family Night?

    Fall Semester begins September 11th 

    Hope Chapel hosts small groups and book studies on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 PM from early September to early May – but you can join in at any time. Everyone is welcome: single, married, with or without kids. For more info about groups that meet during Family Night – check out the Hope Groups page in mid-August for a list of groups available!

    Middle School Ministry

    The middle schoolers meet weekly on Wednesdays in the Lighthouse (and 2nd & 4th Sunday mornings). Contact Wes Neely for details.

    Wednesday Night Kids’ Club

    If you have kids (5th grade and younger) you’d like to bring, we have a  fun program with an emphasis on scripture memorization. Registration opens in mid-August until it’s full.

    Groups outside of Family Night

    Some Hope Groups meet other days. Please check out the Hope Groups page in mid-August if Wednesdays don’t work for you.

    High School meets on Saturday evenings: contact Wes Neely with questions.