FAM Fall Book Study
July 31st, 2021 › Community UpdatesThis fall, FAM (Hope’s Foster Adoptive Ministry) will be leading a book group during Family Night.
We will be reading Until Every Child is Home by Todd Chipman.
Joining this study is far from a commitment to taking kiddos into your home. This book explores why the church should care about orphan ministry. Todd Chipman discusses how foster care and adoption align with bringing the Gospel to a broken world. He explains the multiple support roles it takes for foster and adoptive parents to succeed and outlines how the church can step up into these roles.
Whether you are interested in foster care and adoption personally or are wondering why on earth people at Hope Chapel currently pursue it – come join us 🙂
Questions or RSVP – Contact Mandy aryniker@gmail.com
Family Night starts Sept 8, running Wednesday nights 6-7:30pm throughout the Fall.