Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Tuesday Bible Chat – Episode 7

    Community Updates

    In case you missed it, you can catch up on Geno’s Tuesday Bible Chat – Episode 7: Helping Our Children Through This Season (recorded 5/19/2020) here.

    Each week, you’re invited to join live (instructions will be on hope.org), but the video will be recorded and stored on YouTube. Here is yesterday’s chat:

  2. Sunday Morning Livestream at 10AM on May 17th

    Community Updates
    Join us for our livestreaming service with worship (singing) and the Bible explained in a sermon this Sunday at 10:00 AM. Invite someone to the service with you – they’ll be home anyway probably. Please feel free to share the link: https://youtu.be/BaFXYHg7v_0
    You can also find us by looking for “Live” on our YouTube home page at youtube.com/hopechapelatx
    Our Sunday livestream is our primary way to worship during the Covid-19 social distancing while we’re out of the building. We see the people of Hope Chapel as the “church” not our building that houses us when we meet.


    Check out hope.org for more events happening on Zoom weekly also.

    To contact church staff, look on our About page.

  3. Opening Hope with Lawn Service

    Community Updates

    Below is a video from Pastor Geno discussing plans for an outdoor service proposed to start May 24th.

  4. Tuesday Bible Chat – Episode 6

    Community Updates

    In case you missed it, you can catch up on Geno’s Tuesday Bible Chat – Episode 6: Questionable Activities and the Limits of Conscience (recorded 5/12/2020) here.

    Each week, you’re invited to join live (instructions will be on hope.org), but the video will be recorded and stored on YouTube. Here is yesterday’s chat:

    Thanks for watching – don’t forget to like and subscribe!