Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Arts Update 02-04-2019


    Arts Community Updates 02-04-2019


    Hope Arts Group meets :


        With this being the first Wednesday of the month we will be meeting for regular group time together in the studio space at Hope Chapel. We will all meet in the studio @ 6:30 PM after the 5:30 Wednesday night dinner.


    Deadline for entry as a presenter or RSVP as an attendee for the Feb. 15th Art Salon is Tuesday 02-12-2019 by noon. See the sign-up form under the relevant tab on www.hopearts.org to do so.


    Deadline for entry into upcoming gallery show “Gates & Fences: How We Enter” is 02-26-2019 by noon. See the sign-up form under the relevant tab on www.hopearts.org to do so.


    Maker’s Fair sign-up for the March 9th slots is going on now. Be sure to go to www.hopearts.org to get space.


    Major Changes :


    1)    From this point forward artists will meet every Wednesday together in the studio, and our alternating schedule (between group time and free creation) will continue but together in the studio space.


    2)    Art Salon attendance : in order to attend the arts salon (not just to present), attendees must RSVP (and presenters must sign up) in order to receive location information. Go to www.hopearts.org to sign up under the relevant tab.