Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Weekly Arts Update 09/25

    W.A.U. (Weekly Arts Update) 09/25

    Last Week’s HopeArts Group:

    Last Week’s Arts Hope Group (the first in over a half decade, I think), was very well attended, with 10+ attendees. We read aloud through the first chapter and a half of Hebrews, and the introduction to Buechner’s “Telling Secrets.”  The conversation revolved around the notion of Story, and our stories, chiefly the importance and place of stories in relevantly communicating. One dissenting voice offered a counterbalancing perspective (also raised within the Buechner reading) of the relative importance of subjectivity in receiving and telling of stories.

    The beginning thrust of the conversation was upon how the  telling our secrets, if even just to ourselves, helps us to connect with the core of what it means to be human, the quintessential and existential experience we all share, most notably in that of the gospel.

    From the discussion of the Buechner material, done in light of the grander meta-narrative (of our lives) as indicated in the first chapter of the epistle / book of Hebrews, we concluded by raising the question: into what are we calling people when we tell our secrets and stories? Continued discussion over these topics are encouraged here on Realm in this Group.

    Upcoming Group Meeting:

    This week (for the HopeArts Hope Group) is “open creative time”. While there is no group meeting this Wednesday evening, the writer’s workshop is meeting at Genuine  Joe’s coffee shop on Anderson to workshop any pieces for which folks  are wanting input (same time, 6:30-8:00 P.M., NO childcare).

    However, the next Art Hope Group will meet Wednesday Oct. 3rd, 6:30-8:00 P.M. (same place; childcare at Hope Chapel).  We will spend a goodly amount of time in chapter 2 of Hebrews, and will need to have read (if possible) the first two chapters of both the Buechner and L’Engle books.

    Events on the Horizon:

    Saturday,  Oct. 6th Gallery Reception for the Textile Art Show “Fabric of Community”; 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. ; bring a pre-packaged finger-food/reception style treat.

    Saturday, Nov.17th Arts Group Fundraiser “Crafted with Hope: Makers Fair” all day in the Hope Chapel parking lot. Booth space for selling work is available, as well as donation pieces are welcomed. Check with Richard C. and Ashley Littlefield for all details.

    Did you Know:

    HopeArts has  Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and web pages? And that along with Hope.Org ministry section? Follow Us!

  2. Fireside Worship Night

    Community Updates

    Come join the Hope Global Team, along with the small team heading to Turkey, to worship and pray over the country, the workers, and all those hearing the gospel! We will have an open worship time, followed by focused prayer fueled by Scripture. Come and go, or stay the whole night!

    October 5, 2018


    Hope Chapel Sanctuary

  3. “Christmas in July” Friday & Saturday Performances at 7:30PM and Sunday Matinee at 2PM

    Community Updates

    Christmas in July is a lighthearted romp in a situation in which anything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong. In the end… well.. nothing really “comes together”. But from the chaos, the message, meaning and purpose to it all becomes clear.

    This new musical comedy is written by Dennis O’Donnell and directed by Brie Tschoepe, assisted directed by Joe Friedman, and includes in its cast: Allison Fischer, Nance Friedman, R. Carnie Littlefield, and Chris Wooten from Hope, with guests Danny Glover and Kathy Glover (early Hopites) and Cat Phillips.

    Performances: Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, Sunday the 9th

    Tickets at: https://cij-productions.ticketleap.com/cijmusical/ or at the door.

    Single: $5 each

    Group: $3 each for a group five-pack

    Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up also.