Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. New Virtual Class

    Community Updates

    This summer, I invite all of you to take my Old Testament Studies & Reliability of the Bible class. All classes will be virtual and around 5 minutes or less. This is video #3. I will put all of the videos on a YouTube playlist so you can easily find previous videos when you want to catch up.



  2. Giving With A Generous Heart–A ‘Plunder’ Story

    Community Updates

    This past Sunday, I shared the story of an ‘Aha!’ moment God gave to one of our congregation’s members, Bonnie Watkins. I have shared Bonnie’s story a couple of times publicly to encourage people as we continue to pray about helping to fund repairs to Hope’s main building complex this summer. When presenting the need as our Sunday night service, Bonnie exclaimed, involuntarily ‘Ah!’ out loud, and then told us how the Holy Spirit was stirring her that night. It’s a great God story. Be encouraged…and ask God for your own plunder.  –geno

    You can find the text of Bonnie’s tale on my blog site here.

  3. 2016 N2Worship Camp Coming soon to Hope!!

    Community Updates

    2016 N2Worship Summer Camp, July 11-22

    For ages 10 years and older, n2Worship Camp is a two-week camp (Monday through Friday, 9:30am-2:30pm) in which the n2Worship staff endeavors to help students grow in their musical skills and in worshipping God through musical worship. N2Worship provides instrumental and vocal lessons, daily devotional times, as well as opportunities to play in a worship band setting. Advanced students are also involved in song-writing and recording their songs, as well as leading in worship times.

    To find out more information and to sign up, go to n2Worship.org

    Hope to see you there!

  4. Repairing Hope Info

    Community Updates

    Dearly Beloved,

    I have written a recent blog post that presents three different slide presentations and one sermon all with the express purpose of explaining how we have come to need significant repairs and remodeling for Hope Chapel’s main building complex.  My hope is that with these presentations all gathered in one spot each of us can become fully informed to the depth we desire, while praying about how to support this project financially.  You can go directly to my blog post here.

    Please consider giving generously to help fund our much-needed repairs to Hope’s main building complex.  Here is the link:  Pledge/Give Now.
